UCLA launches Society App to raise $30,000 for charity

The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Interfraternity Council (IFC) launched the Society app for over 500 participants to attend the biggest philanthropy weekend of the year. The 2022 Philanthropy Die Tournament saw multiple UCLA fraternities compete over the 2-day event.
The UCLA IFC joins over 2,000 community apps in over 230 educational institutions worldwide
Society App Co-Founder Matthew Billington said, “Congratulations to the UCLA IFC, Society is proud to announce that they raised over $30,000 for charities, planted 700 trees, and recycled 7,000 cans. The UCLA IFC joins over 2,000 community apps in over 230 educational institutions worldwide.”
Overseeing 22 social fraternities and over 1,600 UCLA Students, the IFC works to provide programming and leadership opportunities
Society is the free community app builder for schools and university clubs. Apps can be built in just 60 seconds. Every branded app is comprehensive but easy to use, functions include: An in-app payment gateway, ticket booking capability and unlimited encrypted chat facilities. Group Chats can accommodate up to 1,000 participants per group chat.
The UCLA IFC is the governing body of the nationally recognized fraternity chapters at the University of California, Los Angeles. Overseeing 22 social fraternities and over 1,600 UCLA Students, the IFC works to provide programming and leadership opportunities within the Greek community, within the Bruin community, and within the greater Los Angeles area. The aim is to provide chapters a chance to build relationships with each other, unite on issues concerning the Council, and provide an opportunity for student chapter members to excel both inside and outside the classroom.
UCLA IFC President Ernst Ma said, “Congrats to all of the teams who came out to participate in the 2022 Philanthropy Die Tournament, and to UCLA Sigma Nu for sending a team that took it all home.”